Science Borealis is an operation put together by a group of volunteers with the objective of encouraging access to blogs in different fields of science. As they describe themselves, « Science Borealis is an inclusive digital science salon featuring Canadian bloggers from a wide array of scientific disciplines. Built on the principles of curiosity, engagement, and collaboration, this community-driven endeavour welcomes members and supporters who share a commitment to respect and encourage science communication in Canada. » I’m quite pleased to be recognized by Science Borealis for my blog, selected in the celebration of their first anniversary as their favourite in the category Policy and Politics. Their comment :
Policy and Politics (editors Pascal Lapointe & Karine Morin) – Unfortunately there is a dearth of science policy bloggers on the Science Borealis site (so if you blog on science policy, we’d like to hear from you!). Harvey is, by far, the most in depth of all our policy and politics bloggers. It is unfortunate, however, that he is also one of our few French bloggers and thus likely doesn’t get the wide readership that his posts deserve. We hope that membership in Science Borealis is broadening his exposure!
You’ll note on the right the badge they provide with the recognition. In the future, I’ll be placing on the left of my home page, with the badge, the indication I use with my signature, that while the blog is in French, Google Translate does a good job of converting the French into English (see the post in French for the translation in the other direction). For anyone coming to my blog from the Science Borealis site, I’m providing this post in English, and placing this note before the one in French, underscoring that the posts in French end up in language fairly close to what I’ve written if you use the on-line translator.
Science Borealis has links with the Agence Science-Presse, another operation which organized last year a collection of selected posts from French-language blogs and is working on a second edition for 2014. The Agence has been around for over 30 years, and their blog site for close to 10 years. The winners appear in a publication by MultiMondes (the publisher of my book on the GPI).
Finally, thanks to Émile Carrier for his help with the technical aspects of the blog since the beginning.